24 Hour Addiction Helpline

(973) 270-9735
New Vernon, New Jersey

About us

Addiction is not a choice – but it doesn’t have to be a debilitating disease. This is the person you are today, but starting today you can begin to change. Once you complete treatment, you can be free of addiction.

You see, when you address addiction your core belief system is forever changed. In turn, you change the way you think, and change your behavior for the better.

For many treatment patients, it’s the same story: their programs require them to cycle through cognitive therapy, the 12 steps and Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous. Because these programs are not tailored to individual needs, most patients have a difficult time maintaining their recovery.

We’re Different.

Those who struggle with addiction do not want to continue down this destructive path, but they lack the skills needed to successfully cope without substances. That’s where we come in. Depending on individual client needs, our treatment programs are rooted in either mental health or spirituality and provide traditional treatment services, such as group therapy, supportive activities and aftercare. In addition, families and loved ones are an integral part of the treatment process.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help individuals recover from drugs and alcohol, no matter where they exist on the addiction spectrum – and to maintain this recovery long-term. Research shows the longer someone stays in residential treatment, the better the chances of long-term recovery, and so, we offer programs that range in length-of-stay from outpatient to one-year residential treatment.


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