Team Relson Gracie of Denver - BJJ, MMA, Wrestling & Boxing

(720) 675-9818
2031 Bryant St, Denver, Colorado, 80211

About us

Neighborhood: Jefferson Park


Team Relson Gracie of Denver - BJJ, MMA, Wrestling & Boxing

Hi everyone, I am Kimo Kreis, the owner of Team Relson Gracie of Denver. I would like to invite anyone interested in martial arts, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, boxing, self-defense, fitness, weight loss or overall self improvement to come by for a free private lesson to see if what we have to offer fits you and your lifestyle. If you enjoy your private lesson, I encourage you to sign up for an additional 30 day free trial. We offer individual training classes as well as family orientated group classes. Ask any staff or myself how to train at our gym completely free!